I think most vendors and probably a lot of agents have a love hate relationship with open house inspections. They can be time consuming and inconvenient but vendors should never lose sight of the fact that they can also be highly rewarding.
In my experience the effort is worth it. You just never know when a casual drop in at an open inspection will become a serious offer. It happens more than you would expect.
I recognise there is always a level of vendor resistance to departing and opening their property to random strangers who may well be at the open house simply to have a sticky beak.
I recognise that preparing a property for every inspection can take time and effort, especially if it is done well. But again I stress that effort is worth it.
It really does make a difference if a property is freshly cleaned and the clutter of daily life is removed. I’m not suggesting you need to have the smell of freshly baked bread wafting through the kitchen for every inspection but a scented candle in the bathroom, no dirty clothes stuffed in the laundry basket, empty garbage bins and the lawns mowed is a good place to start.
As I pointed out in one of my blogs it’s important to remember that people will open the doors of any built in storage so don’t think that out of sight is out of mind! Cluttered cupboards can give the impression the property lacks storage so again it’s worth making sure the towels in the linen cupboard are neat.
I’m the first to acknowledge that open house inspections will see people come through the property who have no immediate intention of buying, however take into consideration that ‘open’ house inspections are a very good way of identifying potential buyers who might be mildly interested but not prepared to commit to making direct contact with the agent to arrange an inspection by appointment.
In the high stakes game of real estate, open inspections are a more subtle way for the uncertain buyers to have a look without revealing their true hand. A good agent will know how to work the room and actively promote the positives of the property to everyone who attends.
So I encourage vendors to be open to the idea of opening their property for more than just inspections by appointment. By doing so they are opening the door to greater buyer potential.