What does the Christmas season really mean for real estate? Yes is means the focus turns to cricket, the beach and backyard barbeques but I believe it can also deliver fantastic results for those prepared to stay in the game.
In my Property Press column back in October I talked about the stress associated with trying to secure a deal ‘before Christmas’. Now with only a few short weeks until the big day the whistle has blown for many people who have spent the last months madly on the home hunt. It’s game over. Or so it may appear.
For some people December is all about attending Christmas parties rather than open for inspections and buying presents rather than property. But not everyone.
You would be amazed how much business takes place in the days after Christmas and through into the early weeks of the new year. It isn’t just the Australian cricket team who are at work over that period.
We’re also exceptionally busy. I think it might be that the perceived pressure of the Christmas deadline has lifted and with that comes an unencumbered sense of resolve to make decisions. Buyers want to make it happen.
And don’t discount the impact of new buyers entering the market. The holidays allow more downtime for new players to start their property search and we see quite a wave of new enquiries.
So buyers and vendors should not be despondent if Christmas arrives before they have secured their property goal. The game is far from over.